How to make origami octopus

There's no doubt that Octopus is a attractive sea animal.
 The name of octopus comes from " Greek language " ,actually it means eight footed.
They've eight arms and can swim using these.

 The body of octopus is very soft, they don't have any internal and external skeleton but have skull which helps to protect their brain.

They've a sharp beak ,it is a hard structure of their body, and  it just look like parrot beak.

You can easily make this Octopus using wasted tissue paper roll.

Materials:---- You need some cheap and available materials like :---

1. Tissue paper roll
2. Colorful paper
3. Scissor
4. Glue
5. Water color

Making procedure:--

1. Take paper roll,covered it with blue color paper.

2. There 're another two colored paper yellow and pink. you just have to put on one after by using glue .

3. Then attached with the roll and cut down the paper.

4. Make two eyes and attached it.

5. Draw some mark on whole body of the octopus.

Now ,finally, you 're able to make your desire origami.

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